
  • The Power of Art: Aesthetics and Politics in the Contemporary World (Feb. 6-7, 2025, New York)

    The Power of Art: Aesthetics and Politics in the Contemporary World (Feb. 6-7, 2025, New York)

    From February 6-7, 2025, the conference The Power of Art: Aesthetics and Politics in the Contemporary World will be held at the New School’s Department of Liberal Studies.

    The workshop is organized by Francesco Campana and Paul Kottman, as part of the MSC Project PolArt – Understanding the Function of Art in the Contemporary Social Space Through a New Interpretation of Classical German Philosophy (MSC grant agreement No 101066460).

    To attend the workshop, please register here.


    February 6, Starr Foundation Hall

    9.30 Reception

    10.15-10.30 Francesco Campana, Paul Kottman, Greetings and Introduction

    Chair: Paul Kottman

    10.30-11.45 Giulia Bernard (University of Padova), Fielding the Political: Participation and Critique in Art and Philosophy

    11.45-1.00 Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University), Germaine de Staël on Literature and Politics

    1.00 Lunch

    Chair: Laura Dequal

    2.30-3.45 Yi-Ping Ong (Johns Hopkins University), The Hum of the Own: Kierkegaard, Knausgaard, and Nelson on Existence in the Present Age

    4.00-5.15 Francesco Campana (University of Padova/NSSR), Art on the barricades (or, the end of art, but this time actually conceived as the possibility of its death)

    7.00 Dinner

    February 7, Wolff Conference Room

    Chair: Giulia Bernard

    10.00-11.15 Sandra Shapshay (Hunter College/CUNY Graduate Center), Monuments: Iconoclasm & Idolatry in America

    11.15-12.30 Luca Illetterati (University of Padova), What does a work of art deal with? The ambiguity of communication

    12.30 Lunch

    Chair: Francesco Campana

    2.00-3.15 Lydia Goehr (Columbia University), From uproar to outrage: on art, noise, and political bluster

    3.15-4.30 Sohl Lee (Stony Brook University), Art for Decolonization and Democracy: The Minjung Art Movement in South Korea

    4.30-4.45 Coffee Break

    4.45-6.00 Laura Dequal (University of Padova), On the Political Role of Curatorship in Contemporary Art

    6.00 Conclusion

    6.30 Aperitif

    The workshop is organized in collaboration with hegelpd – University of Padova. Classical German Philosophy Research Group.

    Scientific Committee: Francesco Campana, Paul Kottman, Gabriele Tomasi.

    For inquiries, email

    You can download the flyer at this link.

  • On Representation: Artistic Space as Political Space (Jan. 29, 2025, New York)

    On Representation: Artistic Space as Political Space (Jan. 29, 2025, New York)

    New York Aesthetics Lunch Workshop—Spring 2025

    CUNY Graduate Center,  365 5th Ave, New York, NY 10016 (Room 4419) 

    January 29, 11.45 – 1.15

    Francesco Campana (University of Padua & The New School)

    On Representation: Artistic Space as Political Space


    The demand for perspectives other than the dominant ones in the history of the arts—male, white, heteronormative, Western, bourgeois, etc.—has emerged forcefully in recent decades. This demand calls for the artistic representation of diverse viewpoints, challenges the privileges that have shaped the dominant narratives, and questions traditional canons and claims of universality. The need to artistically represent plural views, in terms of ethnicity, gender, social class, religion, geographic origin, and more, has, to some extent, become intertwined with the need for political representation. In this talk, I will focus on the concept of ‘representation,’ exploring the boundaries, interrelationships, similarities, and differences between artistic and political representation. I will also examine to what extent artistic representation can take on the characteristics of political representation, and how the intersection of these two concepts might contribute to a broader reconsideration of the relationship between art and politics.

    Organization: Prof. Elisa Caldarola, within the MSC Project IEIA (grant agreement 101068795).

  •  Philosophy between (Self-)Critique and Transformation / Filosofia tra (auto)critica e trasformazione (Dec. 4-6, 2024, Padova)

     Philosophy between (Self-)Critique and Transformation / Filosofia tra (auto)critica e trasformazione (Dec. 4-6, 2024, Padova)

    International conference Philosophy between (Self-)Critique and Transformation / Filosofia tra (auto)critica e trasformazione.

    December 4-6, 2024 at the University of Padova.

    Participation with the paper: Francesco Campana ‘La rappresentazione artistica come rappresentanza politica’.

    Organization: Dr. Giovanna Miolli, within the MSC Project InRatio (grant agreement No 101025620).

    For further information, please visit this link.

  • What is political in Hegel’s notion of art? (November 22, 2024, New York)

    What is political in Hegel’s notion of art? (November 22, 2024, New York)

    New York German Idealism Workshop

    November 22, 2024, The New School of Social Research, New York

    Paper: Francesco Campana, ‘What is political in Hegel’s notion of art?’

    For further information, please visit this link.

  • Historia de la filosofía y filosofía de la historia. Legado y presente (Sep. 18-20, 2024, Barranquilla)

    Historia de la filosofía y filosofía de la historia. Legado y presente (Sep. 18-20, 2024, Barranquilla)

    II Congreso Internacional of the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Hegelianos, entitled Historia de la filosofía y filosofía de la historia. Legado y presente.

    September 18-20, 2024, at the Universidad del Atlántico and the Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla.

     Participation with the paper: Francesco Campana, ‘La ironía como modernidad: Hegel, filosofía de la historia y subjetividad irónica’.

  • La dimensión política del arte en la estética alemana en torno a 1800 (Sep. 9-10, 2024, Santiago de Chile)

    La dimensión política del arte en la estética alemana en torno a 1800 (Sep. 9-10, 2024, Santiago de Chile)

    Two-day workshop held by Francesco Campana entitled ‘La dimensión política del arte en la estética alemana en torno a 1800’ on September 9 and 10, 2024, at the Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez of Santiago de Chile.

    09/09: “La dimensión política del arte en la estética alemana en torno a 1800: F. Schiller y G.W.F. Hegel”

    10/09: “La dimensión política del arte en la estética alemana en torno a 1800: F. Schlegel e F. Hölderlin”

    Organization: Prof. Italo Debernardi Cárcamo

  • Universalidad & Filosofía práctica. Dilemmas in Classical German Philosophy (Sep. 4-6, 2024, Santiago de Chile)

    Universalidad & Filosofía práctica. Dilemmas in Classical German Philosophy (Sep. 4-6, 2024, Santiago de Chile)

    Workshop ‘Universalidad & Filosofía práctica. Dilemmas in Classical German Philosophy’, held at the Institute of Philosophy at Diego Portales University in Santiago de Chile from September 4 to 6, 2024.

    Participation with the paper: Francesco Campana, ‘¿Hasta qué punto es mundial el mundo de la literatura mundial? Weltliteratur, universalidad y globos aerostáticos’.

    Organizers: Angelo Narváez León, Pablo Pulgar Moya, Italo Debernardi Cárcamo.

  • Espaço artístico como espaço político (Aug. 28, 2024, Natal)

    Espaço artístico como espaço político (Aug. 28, 2024, Natal)

    Talk by Francesco Campana entitled ‘Espaço artístico como espaço político’, August 28, 2024, at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal (CCHLA-Campus Universitário, Lagoa Nova, Auditório B).

    Organization: Prof. Federico Sanguinetti.

    For further information, please visiti this link.

  • Arte e política: perspectivas filosóficas (Aug. 27 and 29, 2024, Natal)

    Arte e política: perspectivas filosóficas (Aug. 27 and 29, 2024, Natal)

    Two-day workshop held by Francesco Campana entitled ‘Arte e política: perspectivas filosóficas’ on August 27 and 29, 2024, at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte of Natal (Campus Universitário, Lagoa Nova, Auditorio Principal do Instituto Ágora).

    27/08: “A Arte como uma crítica da realidade”

    29/08: “Representação estética e representação política”

    Oranization: Prof. Federico Sanguinetti

    For further information, please visit this link.

  • O valor político da arte na estética de Hegel (Aug. 23, 2024, São Paulo)

    O valor político da arte na estética de Hegel (Aug. 23, 2024, São Paulo)

    Talk by Francesco Campana entitled “O valor político da arte na estética de Hegel,” August 23, 2024, at Universidade Federal do ABC, São Paulo.

    Organizer: Prof. Michela Bordigon.